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ACT Sentencing Database (ACTSD)

The ACT Courts and Tribunal with assistance from the Judicial Commission of NSW has developed a database for capturing sentencing information from the ACT Supreme and Magistrates courts.


Key features of the ACT Sentencing Database (ACTSD) include:

  • The availability - in graph form - of sentence terms for specific offences;
  • Access to full-text ACT legislation;
  • Access to the complete set of ACT Supreme Court sentencing transcripts as well as Court of Appeal and Supreme Court full-text judgments;
  • Linking statistical information to full-text Supreme Court sentencing transcripts (Note: this feature applies only to those sentences from 1 July 2012 onward);
  • Magistrates Court sentence results. (Note: only available from 1 July 2012; full-text Magistrates Court sentence transcripts unavailable);
  • Offender and victim characteristic filters that assist in the retrieval of relevant sentencing information and transcripts. (Note: this feature only available from 1 July 2013);
  • Ease of use – main access to statistical information is through the specific legislative offence.


Training on the features of the database, and how to get the most out of your searches, is available on request. To book a training session email:

Subscription Information

Subscription to the ACTSD is restricted to registered legal practitioners as well as to various Federal, state and territory organisations working within the legal community such as public prosecutors, enforcement agencies and not-for-profit organisations such as legal aid bodies.

Self-represented litigants are welcome to access the database via the Russell Fox Supreme Court Library .

ACT legal practitioners and organisations within the territory will initially be provided with a free subscription to the sentencing database. However, the ACT Courts and Tribunal reserves the right to introduce a fee in the future.  ACT subscribers will be informed as to when this change in access policy will occur through a subscriber consultation process.

Subscription Form

ACT people interested in accessing the database should complete the ACTSD Subscription Form and email to or post to:

ACT Sentencing Database Unit
ACT Supreme Court
GPO Box 370
Civic CANBERRA 2601

For further information on the ACTSD please contact